How Subliminal Messages Work Just Like Hypnosis & How They Both Differ!

The whole subject of subliminal programming is often viewed as mysterious or even mystical by some people. The entire subject is extremely misunderstood with a great majority of people believing it is only useful for stage entertainment purposes. There are some people who even view the whole subject as a hoax.

How subliminal message work

However, research around the world, especially in the USA, UK and the Netherlands has proven without a shadow of a doubt that subliminal messages have an effect on the brain and when they are used deliberately and correctly in specific ways that can sway our preferences and behaviors!

Anything as effective as subliminal programming, which can control how we make choices, is worth investigating, don’t you think? I Therefore urge you to read on and find out the truth about the power behind subliminal messages and what this amazing technology could do for you.

If you want to better understand how subliminal messages work and how they have the power to change your life all you need to do is consider hypnosis because the two are very similar to one and other.

The aim of hypnosis and subliminal programming is exactly the same. They both aim to deliver commands directly to the subconscious mind. Therefore, the results obtained from both are the same also.

The only difference between hypnosis and subliminal messaging products is the way the commands are delivered to the subconscious mind.

Hypnosis vs subliminal messaging

Hypnosis uses the trance state to access the subconscious mind.

By relaxing the body and distracting the conscious mind hypnotic induction brings a person into deep levels of trance where the brain produces alpha waves.

While in the alpha state a person is very relaxed yet highly aware. It is this state that makes a person very susceptible to suggestion.

Therefore a hypnotherapist can easily implant positive affirmations, known as post hypnotic suggestions, into a person’s subconscious mind while they are in this state.

Subliminal messages differ in their delivery of the same messages because they do not require you to enter a trance state.

In fact, truly effective subliminal cds can be listened to safely while you do other things like doing the housework, working, walking etc.

They can even be played at low volumes while you sleep and the subliminal messages will still effortlessly seep deep into the subconscious mind.

Of course there is a plus side to using each one of these approaches and a slightly negative side also.

With hypnosis you only need to dedicate between 30 minutes and an hour to your session just a few times a week over a thirty day period.

However, with subliminal programming you need to listen to the recording for at least an hour a day over the same period of time.

However, we found that the more you listen the faster you get results and the better the results tend to be.

Obviously listening to a subliminal recording takes absolutely no effort and you can listen to one all day if you so wish without it impacting your normal activities at all.

With hypnosis however, you must relax and remove yourself from all distractions in order for the process to work effectively.

Really it is just a matter of choice and I highly recommend using both approaches to see which one you prefer.

You may also be interested in reading the review about the subliminal software that you can use to create your own custom subliminal messages!

Our brains are constantly being bombarded by so much information that we cannot consciously process it all.

However, the subconscious mind sees, hears and remembers everything!

Anything that is subliminal is said to be below the threshold of conscious awareness.

However, it is still within a range that can be heard or seen and registered by the brain.

It may sound fantastical that although you cannot consciously hear something your brain will still register and process it, this mental ability can be better understood by looking at a natural phenomenon that we all experience from time to time.

Have you ever been in a crowded room with many conversations taking place and been involved in your own separate conversation only to hear your name mentioned across the room?

I bet you have!

You see, although you were involved in your own conversation and seemingly unaware of all the others your subconscious mind was listening and processing every word being said. Once your name as mentioned it immediately altered you!

This simple illustration of how your brain processes the millions of bits of information around you at every second shows the basic principle behind subliminal messages.

Obviously hearing your name in a crowded room will not help you change your life so the use of subliminal messages goes a little deeper than the mere “hearing” of messages.

How subliminal messages can change your life

The reason why subliminal messages, in subliminal cds for example, can change your life is due to the nature of the subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind is responsible for your automatic behaviors, thoughts and feelings.

Every time you automatically react to something or take an action without conscious deliberation you are acting on a subconscious program.

The results you get from life depend on how you act and react to people, situations, circumstances and opportunities in life!

When we act and react on automatic we rarely have any choice about the outcome we experience.

However, when we can consciously control our actions and reactions then we can guide our life in any direction we want.

By changing how your automatic behavior works you can automatically start attracting success into your life!

Imagine having the same thoughts, feelings, beliefs, actions and reactions as a billionaire. How do you think that would affect your financial situation?

Through subliminal messages it is possible to reprogram the subconscious mind to create almost anything you want in life by changing yourself from the inside out!

When your thoughts, emotions, beliefs and actions are all in harmony with your desires you cannot fail to achieve what you want.

However, strange things happen when people reprogram their minds at a subconscious level.

“Co-incidences” seem to occur regularly and many times what they want easily comes their way.

Why this occurs is a subject open to metaphysical debate.

However, the fact that it does occur is well documented by users of subliminal products!

Be sure to check out the great review of the best subliminal software we tested. This software can be used to create your own subliminal recordings ta

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